Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty Clinic
Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty Clinic, through its Chief Physician Dr. Sahdev Arya providing authentic and pure Ayurvedic treatment for people who suffer from the burden of chronic diseases.
Here, many problems which have no answer in other system of medicine are treated through a holistic ayurvedic line of treatment pioneered by Dr. Arya through his profound knowledge of Ayurveda, vast experience of 35 years and intensive clinical research.
Maulsiri ayurvedic multispecialty clinic is an ethical Ayurvedic Centre which complies with the principles and philosophy of Ayurveda and following the rich traditions of Ayurveda, keeps the well being of its patients before all considerations.
Not just treating your diseases; making you healthy forever.
Come experience the ingenuity of Ayurveda.
Our Core Specialities
- We included only those Diseases and Conditions in “OUR CORE SPECIALITIES” and “WE TREAT” section, in which we have excellent to good results.Even Diseases and Conditions where we have average results are excluded from our list, following our ethics under which honest information and advice to the patient is sacrosanct.One may wonder the inclusion of Coeliac Disease in our list, which is known to be incurable world over.But with all the humbleness, sincerity and responsibility, we have included it in our list as we have achieved very good results in the case of Coeliac Disease till now.
Message from Dr. Sahdev Arya

Though several diseases were unknown centuries ago , when the divine texts of Ayurveda were written but the principles and concepts of Ayurveda never disappointed me, eternal and omnicompetent they are, even for centuries ahead- the need is to discover and refine the pearls from the ocean of Ayurveda.
While examining a patient I am always guided by the dictum of Acharya Charak:
” Only that Physician, who ,carrying the lamp of his knowledge and wisdom, enters into the soul of patient, succeeds in treatment. “
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+91 9414051040
Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty Clinic Stands Apart
a. Traditional Ayurvedic method of Diagnosis such as the miraculous Pulse Diagnosis, etc. and
b. Modern methods of Diagnosis such as Blood Examination, MRI, etc. Read More
We Treat
- Acid Reflex/ Heart Burn/ GERD
- Acne Vulgaris
- Adenoma
- Aging
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Allergies
- Amenorrhea
- Amoebiasis
- Anemia
- Angina
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Anorexia
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Ayurvedic Alternative for HRT
- Bronchitis
- Bulging Disc
- Celiac/Coeliac Disease
- Cervical Spondylosis
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Gastritis
- Chronic Laryngitis
- Conjunctivitis
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Constipation
- Dandruff
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Diverticulitis
- Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (D.U.B.)
- Dysmenorrhea (Painful Periods)
- Dysphagia
- Eczema
- Eosinophilia
- Epilepsy
- Epistaxis
- Facial Paralysis
- Frozen Shoulders
- Fatty Liver Disease
- Gall Stone
- Gout
- Goiter
- Headache
- High Cholesterol
- Hyperacidity
- Hypertension
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypermetropia
- Hysteria
- Insomnia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Jaundice
- Kidney Stones
- Lichen Planus
- Leucorrhoea
- Leucoderma
- Menopausal Disorders
- Menstrual Problems
- Myopia
- Menorrhagia
- Migraine
- Nephritis
- Obesity
- Osteo Arthritis
- Ovarine Cysts
- Oligozoospermia
- Osteoporosis
- Pancreatitis
- Peptic Ulcer
- Premature Ejaculation
- Prostate Gland Enlargement
- Pyorrhea
- Parkinson’s disease
- Piles
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Psoriasis
- Retinal Haemorrhage
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Sciatica
- Senile deafness
- Sinusitis
- Spinal Stenosis
- Style
- Scoliosis
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Slipped Disc/ Herniated Disc
- Spondylolisthesis
- Stress
- Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis
- Tonsillitis
- Tinea (Ringworm)
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
- Uterine Fibroids
- Urticaria
- Varicose Veins
- Vertigo
- RAHUL K SHARMA (NEW DELHI), SPINAL CORD COMPRESSIONI was suffering from severe lower backache due to compression in lower discs. I couldn’t move/stand/walk, was on bed and remained so far for more than 20 days despite taking allopathic treatment from a well-known orthopaedic surgeon. While I was hospitalised and suggested to be operated upon, one of my colleague suggested me for Dr Arya. At Delhi I was feeling very low, quite dejected, my first talk with Dr Arya gave me confidence and highest degree of motivation. After taking complete treatment from Dr Arya here I am completely cured and leading a normal life for the past 9 years.
- POOJA VERMA (JAIPUR), MIGRAINEI had severe Migraine problem for 3 years and was unable to do my daily work and studies. None of the Allopathic treatment could cure it and the pain attacks used to happen in every 15-20 days and lasts for 72 hours. Dr Arya’s treatment was a true blessing for me. It just took 6 months of daily doses to cure me completely. Since last 3 years there hasn’t been a single pain attack.
- MAHENDRA SINGH (RAJASTHAN), PROSTATE DISORDERMy PSA levels were elevated to 24 ng/ml, was hospitalised and advised to undergo operation for this problem. After taking treatment from Dr Arya my PSA level had come down to 4 ng/ml which is extra-ordinary. Dr Arya was very cooperative and generous, his medicines were very effective that showed such results.
- GHANSHYAM SINGH (JAIPUR), DEGENRATIVE DISC DESEASEI was having pain in lower back radiating in one of my leg which started increasing till it was difficult for me to even walk freely. Further my back was tilled at 90 degree due to stiffness and pain. MRI report quoted as “L5-S1 Disc is Degenerated and dehydrated”. I took treatment from govt. hospital but with little relief. Then I consulted Dr Arya at Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty Clinic where Dr Arya gave me medicines and advised certain exercises. I got completely cured after 3 months of treatment and now leading a normal life.
- ASHUTOSH KUMAR (KANKROLI), COELIAC DISEASEMy 5yr old daughter was suffering from Coeliac Disease due to which she was unable to take wheat products. She had loose motions and vomiting after consuming wheat products. Before taking the treatment from Dr Arya her tTG-IgA result was 99.6 AU/mL but now after the treatment of Dr Arya her tTG-IgA result is 1.8 AU/mL and she has now, slowly started consuming the wheat products without any problem.
- MOHAN L SHARMA (JAIPUR), PROLONGED BACH-ACHEI had severe pain in my back for a long time. I had a lot of difficulty in walking and even while sleeping. I got myself checked in a private orthopaedic hospital where I was advised surgery. I also consulted several Ayurvedic doctors but there was no relief. Afterwards I consulted Dr Arya at Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty Clinic and after taking his treatment for 10 months continuously, my back pain has got completely cured.
- ARVIND VIJAY (GURGAON-HARYANA), COELIAC DISEASEI had coeliac disease for which I took Allopathic Treatment but it didn’t proved to be helpful. Then I consulted Dr Arya at Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty Clinic. I had great experiences with Dr Arya and got cured completely. Dr Arya has magic in his hand and medicines.
- RICHA GUPTA (JAIPUR), ASTHMAI consulted Dr Arya at Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty Clinic for the Asthma problem. I also took Homeopathic medicines for a long time before consulting Dr Arya. I felt motivated by the pleasant and encouraging atmosphere of the Clinic, Dr Arya is very decent and caring Physician. I am now absolutely cured.
- MAMTA JOSHI (JAIPUR), BACK ACHEFor the last 2 years I was suffering from the problem of back-ache and it was difficult for me to stand or walk for a long time. I tried treatment from many doctors but didn’t get relief. On this day of writing my testimony I am now 60% cured and still continuing with the treatment of Dr Arya.
- RAMCHARAN (JAIPUR), CORONARY HEART DISEASEI had blockage in my artery for which I took treatment at Govt Hospital where I had some relief for few days. I had two heart attacks due to this problem after which I consulted Dr Arya at Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty Clinic. After taking treatment from Dr Arya I have not faced any attack, further now I don’t have any problem in doing physical activity and taking my normal diet. I do not have any problem now regarding my disease after taking treatment from Dr Arya.
- RAM KUMAR (RAIPUR-CHATTISGARH), SLIPPED DISCI had slipped disc at L3-L4 due to which I used to have excruciating pain in my back. I took a lot of treatment here but it was not helpful at all. Dr Arya is like God for me, he helped me a lot during the treatment and it is due to him only that I got completely cured. I talked to him on phone only first and received the medicines through courier, it was only after getting relief I went to Jaipur for check-up. Today due to his blessing I am completely alright after 7 years of treatment and never had any trouble.
- G D GUPTA (JAIPUR) , PSORIASISI had skin Psoriasis which hampered my work and routine. I consulted Dr Arya at Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty Clinic where he provided me very good guidance and treatment. Now I don’t have any type of skin problem. I pay my thanks and best wishes to Respected Dr Arya.
- SANDEEP SINGH (JAIPUR), CANCERMy grandfather had cancer in lungs and bleeding in cough. We had been advised chemotherapy by the doctors but family members were not interested in chemotherapy and radiation. We consulted Dr Arya and took his treatment. After one year of continuous treatment of Dr Arya, he is now fine and living a healthy life.
- RAKESH MITTAL (JAIPUR), LUMBAR SPONDYLOSISI was having persistent pain in my lower back, after bearing a lot, one day I couldn’t got out of bed and my left leg was paining very much and my knee became senseless. Almost all of the Allopathic doctors told me that there is no way out except Surgery. After bearing pain and trouble for six months, I consulted Dr Arya and took his treatment. I got cured completely after taking his treatment for one month.
- VINAY SHARMA (ALWAR-RAJASTHAN), EPILEPSYMy child was having epilepsy from the birth. He was incapable of standing and walking on his own, even he was unable to speak properly. His neck was also bended downwards. We took the treatment in child super-speciality hospital for one year and there was no improvement. Afterwards we consulted Dr Arya and taking his treatment for the last two years. There were no fits from last one year and his problems related to posture are also got cured.
- RUKHMINI DEVI (GORAKHPUR-UP), COMPRESSION AT L-4, L-5 REGIONSevere lower backache due to compression at L-4 and L-5 region. Leave about walking I was unable to sit or stand properly. Most of the doctors in Gorakhpur and also in Jaipur advised me surgery. With reference from one of our relative, we reached Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty clinic. Prior to consulting Dr Arya I was completely hospitalised and was advised complete bed rest. This Ayurvedic clinic gave me lots of new energy. Now I am cured and doing my work like before. I am very thankful to Dr Arya and will remember his treatment lifelong.
- SWATI JAIN (JAIPUR), AMNOERRHEAI stopped getting periods for which I took treatment from Dr Arya at Maulsiri Ayurvedic Multispecialty clinic. After taking one month of treatment I got completely cured and the best thing is that the Ayurvedic medicines do not have any side effect and they cure the disease right from its roots.
- KRISHNA RAJAN (NEW DELHI), SLIPPED DISCI was having Slipped Disc problem and was unable to bend and walk. I consulted Dr Arya for my problem and followed his instructions completely. My problem was fully solved by Dr Arya and I am very much satisfied with the treatment given to me. Ayurveda is the best treatment available in our great country. I am thankful to Dr Arya for his wonderful treatment.
- SATYENDRA MUKHERJEE (KOLKATA), ARTHRITISI had lot of joint-pains, numbness in fingers and body ache. I went through a lot of tests and medicines but was not cured. I would really appreciate Dr Arya as he caught the disease at one go. He has really cured me. I now believe in Ayurvedic medicines and owe due respect to Dr Arya and his ability.